
Hannes Hundegger

Lamplighter and steam tramway
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
You need to ask questions! If we go back to your childhood. What are your earliest childhood memories? For early childhood memories is that we, as children - one a beautiful old building with stone walls yet - we are waiting on window sills sat up in winter, in autumn the lamplighter came. Since there has been no electricity in the streets. The man has come with a pole, there was above a small flame, as he has switched the lever, then the gas-light burning, a milky light. That, or the steam tramway, which is driven by steam from the Bergisel Leopldstrasse down to the Triumphal Arch Maria Theresia Street, Innrain down to Hall. She has also made other noises, as we have played. .. Huhu, and now the kids will be rr, rr. This is so.